August 7, 2023

In an Instant — Everything Changed.

Amy Wren

8 years ago I was 26 and deep in it.

I had just left London after living there for 2 years, which I was devastated about. I loved London. But I couldn’t get a visa that allowed me to stay so to avoid going home I decided to travel around South East Asia for as long as my funds would allow.

All I wanted to do was travel and take as many photos as my memory cards would allow.

Soon into my trip I met this guy who was an aspiring dubstep DJ that I was ready to put my entire life on hold for.

I wish I was kidding.

I was exactly where I thought I wanted to be. I was free. I was exploring off the beat track places, meeting amazing people and taking photos like they were hot cakes. I was also smoking cigarettes, drinking too much, and regularly practicing yoga. The irony is not lost on me.

One day, lying there in savasana I had one of those moments where I knew I needed a reset.

I was miserable. I didn’t want to go home and I didn’t know where to go next. So I searched google for options.

I stumbled across this yoga retreat in Koh Phangan.

It was an immediate full body yes.

I felt it in my entire being.

“Where the f*!k is Koh Phagnan?”, I remember thinking.

I called my Dad, who as you can imagine was not amused by my escapades. My funds were drying up fast and thankfully Dad agreed to loan me enough to sign up to my first ever yoga retreat.

The retreat was pure magic. The food, the intention, the yoga, the peace.

It was perfect & I was miserable.

I sobbed during savasana every day, and all night… at first.

But every day I went deeper and deeper and was totally cracked open.

For the first time in a long time, my nervous system was coming down and I was learning the power of stillness.

It was one of the most transformational weeks of my life and completely changed the course of my future.

This is when I learned that when we are able to connect with ourselves, understand our patterns, behaviours, triggers and needs – we can use these reflections and take actionable steps towards more aligned personal, professional and creative practices.

This has become the foundation of everything I do within my business and my life.

When we do the inner work, the external stuff flows more effortlessly.

Do you remember the moment that changed your life?

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